The upcoming weekend’s Koulee Kids Fest offers a passport for fun that will keep parents and kids entertained for hours, plus offer a chance to win some really great prizes.

To participate this Saturday, June 14, kids pick up passports at the Grand Coulee Dam Visitor Center, Saturday Market or Coulee Hardware. All the information will be provided when they pick up their passport.

Kids and their parents take part in at least six featured events and show up at the Grand Gallery Theatre at 3 p.m. for the drawing for a Kindle Fire, an iPod and a lot more. Winners must be present and 12 or under to win.
And they can stay for a free magic show, starring Dick Frost, a 45-minute event billed to fascinate young and old alike.
At last count, venues for passport entries included:
• catching a fish at the huge tribal tank next to the museum;
• riding a paddle boat at Coulee Playland;
• stopping by the Coulee Cruizers’ Car Show and Shine event at North Dam Park to vote on your favorite car;
• buying a burger or hot dog at the Lions Club BBQ at North Dam Park;
• visiting the Visitor Center at Grand Coulee Dam, finding “Rosie” and coloring your favorite quilt blocks;
• playing disc golf at North Dam Park;
• geocache fun at Funzee’s in Grand Coulee;
• creating chalk art at the Skate Park;
• checking out the inside of a fire truck;
• getting free ice cream from the Coulee Creamery at North Dam Park between noon and 3 pm;
• slingshoting a stuffed pig at the Tropical Pig in Electric City;
• stopping by Saturday Market for a free cookie; and
• playing a round of mini-golf at Sunbanks Lake Resort in Electric City.
Here’s a link to a map of events
For more on the Koulee Kids Fest, see the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce’s website.